At Diamond Hall Infant Academy we believe that History helps to provoke and answer questions about chronology, changes over time and significant people and events. We aim to encourage children to have a curiosity about the past and develop a greater understanding of their lives and the world that has happened before them. Our History curriculum helps to develop a range of investigative skills which will help to develop an enquiring mind and in turn develop questioning skills in other areas of the curriculum. Children will learn about some key historical events, appropriate to their age as well as developing an understanding of the events which have already happened in their own lives and the people who live around them.
The History taught at Diamond Hall Infant Academy aims to ensure that all children:
- develop age-appropriate, accurate knowledge of their own lives, what has happened in their past and what has happened before they were born..
- To have an awareness of chronology both in their own lives eg days of the week, months of the year, recent events as well as for historical events and people in history and be able to talk about these through the use of a timeline
- to be able to use historical vocabulary which is appropriate and accurate and which develops and evolves from EYFS to KS1
- to be able to ask questions, remember and explain what they have found out
- use a range of sources to answer questions including people, photographs / pictures, artefacts, books, videos, newspaper articles, internet
In line with the National Curriculum, The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and current best practice, the children will be taught to be competent in historical understanding and the skills of enquiry needed to make sense of their own lives in the present and theirs and other's lives in the past.
Children are taught how to ask appropriate questions, find answers from sources and report their findings through topics which allow for people or events in history to be explored.
The history curriculum is divided into three areas of learning which together, give children the skills they need to be competent, inquisitive historians building on knowledge and skills already taught:
- Chronology
- Research and Enquiry
- Past events
History Policy - Spring 2023.pdf